I enjoy model railroading - HO scale thank you. I build modules
that vary in width anywhere from 1 foot to 3 feet, with lengths
ranging from 3 feet to 8 feet. Each module has a separate setting
(even different decades). I have completed a switching yard, a
small industrial park, and a farm scene. The common thread is
that all modules are connected by a mainline that runs through
them all. In this way I can easily move freight from module to
module, and also run one train continuously around the basement,
while jockying another in its particular setting.
Narrow Gauge HO
I'm also starting to get into HOn30.
To see my information on this topic, as well as projects to build, choose this link.
One of the best resources is the HOn30
Mail Car.
Electrical Circuits you can make!
One thing I have tried to do is not show a schematic
drawing. I feel that this scares many people away from electronic
projects. For those who know how to read a schematic, please do
not feel insulted. Also, please note that the color codes
on the resistors in any of these drawings are not accurate
- the descriptions are, but the color codes in the pictures are
not. Also, if you have a favorite circuit, send me a copy and
I'll try to include it here.
Some of my favorite engines include a tiny Mack
Truck loco (136k) - see top of this page also - made as an
unpowered casting from On-Trak Model Products. I installed a Northwest
Shortline drive unit, and added numerous details and a constant
lighting circuit.
I have also finished a Keystone Locomotive Works Shay powered
by a NWSL drive kit. Not for the squeamish, but when done you
have a 3-inch Shay that runs like a Swiss watch. In the Tips section
is information on how to improve the running quality of this kit.
I also like the MCD/Roundhouse Climax and Shay. A noisy, ugly
little thing, but I love it just the same (sort of like Kramer
"he's an ugly brute, yet I can't look away".). The MDC
Shay is a tempermental beast to build, but if you take it slow
and follow the directions to the letter, it will run fine. I highly
recommend the new can motor upgrade from MCD/Roundhouse, and the
book on building the MDC/Roundhouse Shay..
Geared Locos
As you can see from above, some of my favorites are geared locomotives.
The Shay, Climax and Heisler represent
the epitome of convergent solutions to the problems that often
face(ed) logging railroads.